In 1987, the Caltech biomagnetist and paleomagnetist Joe Kirschvink gave
undergraduate Dawn Sumner a rock sample to study for her senior thesis.
The sample, collected by UCLA paleontologist Bruce Runnegar, was a reddish,
uncompacted, rhythmically laminated siltstone from the Elatina Formation,
a late Neoproterozoic, glacial and periglacial unit widely exposed in
the Flinders Ranges and elsewhere in South Australia (Preiss, 1987; Lemon
Gostin, 1990). The rhythmic laminations are interpreted to be lunar tidal
bundles (Williams, 2000), implying a shallow marine depositional environment.
Glacigenic deposits (diamictites and ice-rafted dropstones) occur in most
sections of the Elatina Formation (Lemon and Gostin, 1990), but previous
paleomagnetic studies suggested that the siltstone was deposited close
to the equator on the basis of unusually stable remnant magnetization
by detrital hematite (Embleton and Williams, 1986). Kirschvink was skeptical
that glaciers would ever reach sea level in the tropics, so he instructed
Sumner to perform a fold test (McElhinny and McFadden, 2000) on soft-sediment
folds (Williams, 1996) in Runnegar's sample. A positive fold test
would prove that the natural remnant magnetization (NRM) is primary; a negative
result would show that it is secondary, posing no constraint on the paleolatitude
of the Elatina glaciation. To Kirschvink's surprise, the fold test
was positive (Sumner et al., 1987), as others subsequently confirmed (Schmidt
et al., 1991; Schmidt and Williams, 1995; Sohl et al., 1999). A stratigraphically
consistent, polarity reversal test (Sohl et al., 1999; see also Schmidt
and Williams, 1995) confirmed the primary component of NRM in the Elatina
Formation, while the existence of multiple reversals (Sohl et al., 1999)
suggests that the Elatina glacial epoch lasted for several 10
5 to a few
6 years.
The Elatina results refocused attention on Neoproterozoic glaciations.
A critical review of the stratigraphic, geochronological, and paleomagnetic
constraints on virtually all late Neoproterozoic glacial deposits (LNGD)
world-wide was recently published (Evans, 2000). A total of 16 regional-scale
units, known to have formed near sea level, possess primary or near-primary
NRM components giving at least "somewhat reliable" paleolatitudes
(Evans, 2000). Many were apparently deposited within 10 degrees of the
equator, and none was laid down at a paleolatitude greater than 60 degrees
1). Increased non-dipole components in the Proterozoic geomagnetic field
(Kent and Smethurst, 1998; Bloxham, 2000) would not greatly affect those
conclusions (Evans, 2000) (Fig. 1). The observations are surprising and
they argue that the Elatina result is no fluke.
While LNGD (Fig. 2) closely resemble Phanerozoic glacial deposits lithologically,
their distribution and mode of occurrence have never fitted comfortably
into Phanerozoic stereotypes (Harland, 1964; Schermerhorn, 1974; Deynoux,
1985; Crowley and North, 1991; Eyles, 1993; Crowell, 1999). LNGD (Fig.
1) are widely distributed on all continents (Mawson, 1949a; Cahen,
1963; Harland,
1964; Hambrey and Harland; 1981; Evans, 2000) and they are sharply
interposed in normal marine carbonate successions (Fig. 2c) in several
(Harland and Wilson, 1956; Schermerhorn and Stanton, 1963; Martin,
1965; Roberts,
1976; Preiss, 1985). Distinctive "cap" dolostone (and rarely
limestone) layers sharply overlie most LNGD without significant hiatus (Fig.
2f), implying a sudden switch back to a warmer climate (Norin, 1937; Mawson,
1949b; Deynoux, and Trompette, 1976; Kröner, 1977; Williams, 1979).
Cap carbonates (Fig. 3-5) have unusual sedimentological, geochemical and
isotopic characteristics not found in other Neoproterozoic or Phanerozoic
carbonates (Aitken, 1991; Fairchild, 1993; Grotzinger and Knoll, 1995;
Kennedy, 1996; James et al., 2001), and they occur even in successions
lacking carbonate (Spencer, 1971; Deynoux, 1970; Plumb, 1981; Myrow and
Kaufman, 1999). Not surprisingly, they have long served as time markers
in regional and even inter-regional correlation (Dunn et al., 1971; Kennedy
et al., 1998; Walter et al., 2000).

The glacial origin of the Elatina Formation was first recognized by
Sir Douglas Mawson—the older, thicker and more localized, Surtian LNGD
in the same region were recognized much earlier by Howchin (1908), following
the first described LNGD in northern Norway (Reusch, 1891)—and he
discovered its cap dolostone (Mawson, 1949b). Although conservative by nature
(Sprigg, 1990), Mawson was the first (to our knowledge) to argue that late
Neoproterozoic glaciation was global, with large ice sheets in the tropics
(Mawson, 1949a). He went on to suggest that climatic amelioration paved
the way for the first metazoa (Mawson, 1949a), which had been discovered
by a Mawson protegé, Reg Sprigg, in the Ediacara Hills west of the
Flinders Ranges (Sprigg, 1947). Ironically (for an Adelaide resident), Mawson
was opposed to continental drift, and his argument for tropical ice sheets
depended critically on the occurrence of LNGD in tropical Africa today (Mawson,
1949a). [To his credit, Mawson urged students to read his contemporary's
book (Wegener, 1922) and Sprigg, for one, identified the Adelaidean succession
as a pre-Mesozoic rifted continental margin (Sprigg, 1952).] Mawson's
argument, however, collapsed in the plate tectonic revolution, with most
subsequent workers attributing the extent of LNGD (Fig. 1) to rapid drift
of different continents through polar regions at different times (Crawford
and Daily, 1971; McElhinny et al., 1974; Crowell, 1983, 1999; Eyles, 1993).

Most, but not all. Brian Harland of Cambridge University cut his
teeth in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, sentinel of the Barents
shelf, and
host to a pair of LNGD (Harland et al., 1993; Harland, 1997).
Harland was no fixist, but he independently reiterated Mawson's arguments
(Harland, 1964; Harland and Rudwick, 1964) and reinforced them with paleomagnetic
measurements. Low-inclination NRM in LNGD and associated strata in the
Atlantic region and elsewhere seemed initially to prove that ice sheets
had indeed extended to low paleolatitudes (Harland and Bidgood, 1959;
Bidgood and Harland, 1961; Chumakov and Elston, 1989). Later, however,
with the
recognition of widespread, low-temperature remagnetization (McCabe and
Elmore, 1989), field tests and demagnetization procedures that constrain
the age
and subsequent history of magnetization became the gold-standard for acceptance
of paleomagnetic data (McElhinny and McFadden, 2000). The Elatina Formation
was the first LNGD for which there were multiple field, rock-magnetic,
and petrographic tests indicative of a primary, low-inclination NRM, contemporaneous
with sedimentation (Embleton et al., 1986; Sumner et al., 1987; Schmidt
et al., 1991; Schmidt and Williams, 1995; Sohl et al., 1999).